Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fried Soft Shell Crabs

OMG...I haven't had these in years! Never tried to make them myself but back in August I was feeling creative and while I was getting the rest of my seafood goodies my mouth started watering. I looked at some reg. crabs but that wasn't what I wanted and then it came to me...Soft Shell Crabs! I've had this recipe sitting in my cook book for over 5 years and never used it! Today was the day! So I asked the fish man do he have soft shelled crabs and he said yes, over there in the tank! I said cool!!!! When he came back to the counter I asked him how much and he said $5.99. I said cool...per pound? He said no...EACH!!!! My exact words was "WHAT THE HELL! ARE YOU FORREAL!!!!". Ciara bust out in laughter. I said freak that...nevermind. But my craving increase and my mouth really started I said what the hell, give me 4! So after he cleaned the 4 crabs I said well give me 2 more....shoot, we only live once right? LOL

Anyway, satisfied with my purchase....Here's the recipe! hehe I found this recipe on They even have the instructions on How To Clean Soft Shell Crabs .

Wet Mix:
2 eggs
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup Italian dressing
1 Tbsp Emerils Creole Seasoning
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp hot sauce
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Salt and fresh ground black pepper

*(Emerils Creole Seasoning ): (I made double amounts because you need some for your dry mix and plus I used some for my butter to brush on my corn on the cobs)

Whisk all the ingredients in a bowl (save some Emerils Creole Seasoning for your dry mix) until completely blend.

Then pour mixture over the crabs and marinade for 30 minutes or more in the fridge.

Dry Mix:

2 cups flour
3/4 cup cornstarch (makes it stick better)
2 Tbsps Emerils Creole Seasoning
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne
1 tsp lemon and pepper seasoning (I used OLD BAY w. Lemon & Herb seasoning instead)

Dredge the crabs in the dry mix and let sit a minute or so moving them around just a little.

Use peanut oil, about 1 1/2" in the pan depending upon the pan depth. Heat to 375 degrees. Place the crabs in the oil and don't overload the pan!!! This will make the crabs come out soggy!!! Stir them around every 10 seconds or so. Cook them about 3 minutes flipping a few times.

Remove the crabs and place on paper towels. Let the oil come back to 365 degrees for the next batch! Do you see that golden crust on these babies? Yummy!!!!!

I used the rest of my Emerils Creole Seasoning for my butter to put on my grilled corn on the cob. Yummy!
Toasted up some sourdough bread; laid that crab on top; poured some hot sauce on top on the crab; and laid a piece of romaine lettuce on top! Laid the other toasted bread on top and there goes my sandwich! LOL Yummy!!!!

There goes dinner...Zatarains Dirty Rice, Grilled Corn on The Cob w. Creole butter and Fried Soft shell Crab sandwich! Yum!!!

Oh and I got sick as hell that night!!! At first I thought I had an allergic reaction or a bad case food poisoning! Whew! I was feeling pretty bad! Maybe I got sick for being stingy! LOL My neighbor's daughter came down stairs and was sitting there watching me prepare everything up until the end. But when I talked to her on the phone before she rudely brought her butt down stairs I didn't offer so what should that have told her? Shoot...I paid $6 per crab!!! So when I finished dinner ... she ask could she have a sample and I said NO!!!! She kindly took her butt back up to her mother's! I mean...I don't mind sharing but you don't just invite yourself to my table! I don't work that way! They better figure out who their neighbors is...and then she came down stairs with some cheap beer at that! NO THANKS!!! I was talking to one of my cousins at the time and she was cracking up! I felt much better the next evening...thank goodness! LOL! The crabs were really good!


Jill's Comfort Zone
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1 comment:

  1. Those crabs freak me out! They look like deep fried giant spiders!! Your corn looks delish, though. Man I love me some corn on the cob.
