Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blizzard 2010


So over the weekend we had a snow blizzard! And boy did mother nature let us have! Thousands of people were without electricity, heat, water, etc. and some even lost love ones. I prayed for those who were having a rush time and still praying because a lot of people are still without! Stores were closed, cars were stuck on the roads and highways...it was a mess! It's still a mess out there! We were only suppose to get 6 to 7 inches and ended up getting over 21 inches of snow! Maybe the weather man's tracking device was broke! LOL! More snow is coming down as I'm typing this blog! SMH (Shaking My Head)!

Since stores we closed and me and my friend, Ciara, was bored to death, we said "Hey, why not open up the store!" The girls wanted to go out and play in the snow anyway so that's just what we did! The girls had a blast!!! I enjoyed every bit of their excitement and laughter! I'm not a snow fan but you have to love seeing kids having such a great time!

Jill's Comfort Zone
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  1. The pictures are great! My gosh you guys got a lot of snow. I'm glad you are all safe and warm and had some time to enjoy it. It's a once in a lifetime event to have that much in such a short period of time. I can't wait to see how much more is coming! ~KB

  2. Yes, they said they haven't had this much snow in over 60 something years! This was way too much for me! They can have it! LOL! Thanks hun!

  3. lol..I know you aren't a huge snow fan but way to hang in there camera man!!..lol

  4. Hello Jill. My name is Trinita and I am a friend of Monique's. I have seen and heard about the wonderful dishes you have made and knew I had to follow your blog. You are definitely very gifted. I was looking for the Indian spiced beef patties recipie. Can you please tell me where I can find it?

  5. Hi Trinita! It's a pleasure to have you following my blog hun! Welcome to my world! haha! Thanks! I don't believe I blogged that recipe yet but per your request I'm working on it now! ;)
