Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Missing My Comfort Zone

Hello All!!!  I truly miss you guys and I'm trying my hardest to get back to sharing my kitchen and my family adventures with you!  This has been a long journey for me and my girls but God is going to see that we are safe and sound soon!  Despite our struggles me and the girls are Blessed!  I'm hoping by the beginning or the middle of October we will be in our new home and I can get back to my Comfort Zone!!!!  My sisters, Sabrina Alexander (R.I.P.), birthday is October 7th and I'm sure she's with me each and every day!  So October is a good month!  I truly miss her so much!  I love you sis!  I've been having a lot of inquiries to why I haven't been posting new food entries for you guys but I will be back in full effect once we are in our new home!  Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts!  Trust me I'm definitely home sick!  LOL!  Our summer has been full of fun, trial and error and now Fall is upon us and I can't wait!!!!  I also would like to thank my friends and family for the support and prayers!  Keep em' coming guys!  Love ya!

Food for thought: Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had.  When life has you questioning which road to take,or which way to go, take a step back, reflect and listen to your heart!  When its hard to stand...kneel!

I've been repeating this to myself since April 2010 and although I've had my break downs I always bounce back once I raise up off my knees!  I hope everyone enjoyed their Summer!  Have a wonderful day!  MUAH!!!!


Jill's Comfort Zone