Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stuffed Red Snapper

Dinner was delicious last night! The rain put a damper on me throwing the fish on the grill but I put them under the broiler and all was well!  I served the snappers with greens beans, corn on the cob and salad.

2 red snappers
1 red pepper, sliced
1 green pepper, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 small cabbage, shredded
S&P, to taste
1 tsp red crushed pepper flakes
1 tsp paprika
1/4 cup EVOO
5 to 6 Tbsps butter
Aluminum Foil

Preheat grill moderate heat.  In this case, my grill wouldn't light so I broiled them.  Turn the oven on broil. 


Prepare Lime Butter Sauce; and set aside.  Slice veggies, shred & rinse, and set aside.  (Of cause you rinse all of your veggies off before using!)  After you've cleaned and scaled the snappers, pat dry and set aside.

In a sauce pan, melt butter; add green peppers, red peppers and onions; cook and stir veggies until tender.  Stir in cabbage, salt, pepper, paprika and red crushed pepper flakes.  Cook over med. heat, stirring occasionally, until veggies are crisp-tender; and keep warm.

Brush both side of fish with EVOO; Sprinkle with S&P; Place on heavy duty foil; stuff with cabbage mixture; and seal foil, leaving room for circulation inside.  (I don't like wet food so after about 15 minutes under the broiler I opened the foil up a little and returned to the broiler.  Make sure you keep checking on the fish or it will burn!  As you can see from the pic.  LOL)

If grilling, cook for about 10-15 minutes on each side, turning once or cook to your liking.  Cooking time for whole fish will depend on the size of your fish.

Remove fish and top each piece with Lime Butter Sauce. 


Jill's Comfort Zone
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  1. Do you eat the skin? I've never tried Red Snapper before...I'm kind of afraid of it, actually. I don't dig seafood all that much, but one of the boys likes it, so I do have to cook it once in a blue moon. I think fish for me is like pork for you. LOL

  2. Oh yes!!! The skin is the best part! Yummy! I know you don't like seafood that much but I love it!
