Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quick and Easy Pudding Dessert

One day I was reading my friend KB's Sugar-Free Hot Chocolate Pudding recipe blog I wanted some. That is when I thought I had all the ingredients on hand. Anyway, I made do with what I had and settled for the first thing that came to mind. I told the kids what I had in mind, they agreed and so it was. LOL!  Very simple and easy to make!  Yummy too!

Jell-O Chocolate Pudding Heavy Cream
White Chocolate
Confectioners Sugar
Topping of your choice (nuts, sprinkles, etc.)

Add confectioners sugar and heavy cream in a mixing bowl; whisk until liquid becomes thick and foamy.  Prepare pudding as directed on the box.  Place in dessert bowls, top with whipped cream, shaved chocolate and your desired topping.  I put nuts & chocolate on mines and chocolate sprinkles on the other two for the girls.


Jill's Comfort Zone
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  1. Great treat for kids and adults alike...especially with the heavy cream! lol

  2. That looks so good! One of my favorite things is homemade whipped cream. I love your footed dessert pretty!
