Monday, March 22, 2010

Green Bean Skillet

I truly have a hard time with measurements guys because I just go free-handed until I'm satisfied with the taste!!!!  Aggghhh!  Bad habit I inherited from my mom.  I have so many dishes I want to share with you but can't because I don't have the exact measurements to give you!  :(  I'm planning on making this sometime this week so I will be sure to take my time and estimate how much of each ingredient you should use.  This dish is so simple you can't really go wrong with the measurements.  The flavors are awesome!

Potatoes, cut into bite size cubes
Green beans, fresh or frozen
Green onions, chopped
Red & green peppers, chopped
Garlic, minced
Smoked paprika
Red crushed pepper flakes
Peppercorn medley
Basil, dried or fresh
Oregano, dried or fresh

I use either half or the whole pack of Pancetta depending on the amount of green beans I'm making. 

Using a little bit of EVOO I brown up the Pancetta in a large sauce pan. 

Once I've chopped up my veggies, I season them with salt and pepper.  Before adding them to the pan, I melt the butter in the pan, add a little more EVOO and then add the veggies.  If you are using fresh green beans, I would add them along with the other veggies.  If you are using frozen green beans, I would add them once the potatoes are semi tender.  Add the rest of the ingredients and toss together, mixing well.  Cover, cook over med. high heat for about 35 minutes until veggies are crisp and tender.  Make sure you stir moderately.


Jill's Comfort Zone
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  1. I don't think you should worry over not measuring. In fact, I think being able to cook on intuition is a gift to some and is a learned skill for others. Being able to cook from your heart to feed your soul is something you cannot get from a cookbook or precisely written recipes. p.s. I love green beans!

  2. Thanks hun! I was just thinking about the people who's new to cooking! ;)
