Saturday, June 29, 2013

Healthier Living

Hello faithful readers!  I was suppose to post this for Mother's Day but I got tied up.  So let me start off by wishing all of the beautiful women a Happy belated Mother's Day!  Mother's Day is everyday and we should pamper ourselves every chance we get.  I would also like to wish all the great dad's a Happy Belated Father's Day as well!  I've been going down my Goals list or bucket list and checking things off.  At the top of my list was for me to go back to school which I have done.  The second was to quit smoking cigarettes which I am still working on.  It is a hard battle but I am not giving up.  Next on my list was a healthier living which I am working on at this time.  I began my health kick on April 27th with the Fat Flush 10 Day Diet.  I won't call this a diet because I'm not counting calories or nothing.  I'm just eating better and smaller portions.  I'm still enjoying the foods I love and added on some healthier dishes as well.  Before I started, I weighed in and I was 240 pounds.  By May 6th I lost 11 pounds.  That was the easy part...the hard part is keeping the pounds off and to keep losing weight.  now I've gain 4 of those pounds back. I am working out twice a day and eating healthier.  I'm still drinking the Fat Flush Water (FF) to date but I feel my pants getting looser by the day.  My goal is to get down to 180 pounds!  I was told to stay away from the scale and that's what I'm going to do.

I can truly tell you guys that I feel so much better then I did before I started down my new way of living life style.    Thursday, June 27th marked two months that I've transitioned into this life change and I'm down 22lbs.  I have a long way to go but I feel good.  This isn't an easy transition but I'm up for the challenge!  As long as you surround yourself around good positive people, you can get through anything that comes your way!  I love my support team...always lifting me up!!!  Thank you so much guys!!!!  I could not do this without you!

So on April 26th I started the Fat Flush Water (FFW) that was on Dr. Oz with Kim Lyons.  I saw some friends on Facebook talking about how much the FFW works and decided to try it out.  Let me tell you, this truly helped me get a jump start on my weight lost!  All you need is some filtered water, sliced cucumbers, tangerines, grape fruits and fresh mint leaves.  It takes a few days to get use to the taste but you can adjust it as you go along.  The longer it sits the better.  Tangerine season is over so I'm substituting them with clementines and oranges during the Summer.

I have also been trying my hand at infused water to cut out sugar.

As well as protein drinks!  Didn't know how good raw greens could taste.  My girls aren't a big fan.

Shopping has been fun but not kind to my pockets!  It's truly sad that it cost so much to eat healthy these days. It really don't make no sense how much fruits and vegetables cost today.  I am truly struggling trying to keep up!  LOL!  Not funny but you have to laugh sometimes.  I just wanted to share with you a glimpse of what my meals has been like for these two months.  Chips is my weakness...something about that crunch and salt goodness (unhealthiness is more like it) is oh soooooooooooo good!  LOL!  Well I have switched them out with tortilla chips and hummus!  Don't get me wrong...every now and then I still have me a bag or two of potato chips.  I just learned to cut back and know when to put them down.

Thank you for supporting my health kick journey and for reading my blog!  I truly appreciate you guys and I hope you will keep supporting me.  Have a great weekend and stay tuned to more blogs from my home to yours!  :)

Jill's Comfort Zone

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