Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jill's Comfort Zone Has Been Busy!!!

Good afternoon my fabulous people!  I must say that I have truly missed blogging for you guys.  I want to thank everyone for being so patient and loving.  It truly means a lot to me.  There are so many exciting things going on in my comfort zone that I must share with you guys.  First up is that my 1st Cookbook is in the makings!!!  Woo Hoo!!!  This is what has kept me away from sharing my delicious recipes and food with you guys.  Since I am creating my cookbook myself, it keeps me tied up most of the time but now that I have my rough draft completed, I can begin spending more time on my blog.  So stay tuned guys!!!  You all are in for a wonderful treat.  ;)

Secondly, I am trying to learn how to get around on Blogger more better so that I can bring better quality to your homes of my blogs, recipes, life stories and much more.  I've been on here for years but still don't know the complete in's and out's around this place.  So any tips and ideas on this subject would be truly helpful.  I want to be as useful and helpful to you all as I possibly can.  

I am also working a building my brand for a few business plans I have in the works as well.  I will go in more details at a later date when I get things up and running.  Keep me in prayer guys!!!  Yes, a sista has been very busy on her Entrepreneur Flow.  Glory to God!!!  I have so many exciting things in store for you guys!  I will also be starting Jill's Comfort Zone Cooking Adventures on Periscope (@JSecrets) soon!!!  I can't wait to have you at my table!!  

So until next time, have a wonderful day and stay Blessed!  Love you guys! 

Jill's Comfort Zone

Friday, April 24, 2015

Bacon Taco Shrimp Bowls

Bacon Taco Shrimp Bowls

Hello my foodie friends!  Yes it has been a while since I've blogged my delicious treats.  It has been one heck of a journey for me these past few years but I am Blessed!  I must admit that I truly missed coming here and sharing my food and life adventures.  Well I'm back now...can't wait to share the rest of my recipes and food pictures with you.  

I tried my hand at these Bacon Taco Bowls a few years ago.  Don't laugh...the bowls are not perfect at all.  LOL!  Just wanted to try something new.  After making this, I realize that I should have weaved the bacon together to get better and neater results.  Now I know.  Haha  I won't say that I'll be making this anytime soon since I haven't had any pork in over a year and a half now. Maybe for my cook book or for an event.  We shall see.  I've switch up my diet since the last time I've updated my food blog.  This recipe is pretty simple and absolutely delish!!!  My girls loved it!


*Shredded Cheese (I forgot to put the cheese on them in these pictures.)
*Sour Cream
*Garlic Power
*Salt and Pepper


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Turn muffin pan upside down and cover the cups with foil.  Set to the side.  

Weave the bacon together (don't slap it on like I did.) on the foiled covered cups.  Click this link How to Make Bacon Bowls to learn how to make the prefect bacon bowls.  After you've weaved your bacon, place them on the cups.

Place the muffin pan on a cookie sheet to catch the bacon grease.  Bake the bacon in the oven until crispy, about 12 minutes.  Remove the bacon cups from the pan and let them cool completely.   

Season the shrimps with salt, pepper and garlic powered.  In a sauce pan, melt the butter, add shrimps and sauteed.  Remove the shrimps and place in a bowl, set aside.

Once cooled, you can add the remaining ingredients into the bowls and enjoy! 

Jill's Comfort Zone